Gypsies Bend

Wide, groomed single track through the veld with moderate grades. Features include easy stream crossings, acacia trees and dramatic
views of the Little Berg.
The bulk of the climbing happens in the first half of the ride.
Rating | Easier |
Distance | 15km |
Elevation Gain | 206m |
Marking Colour | Green |
Montusi Gorge

Groomed single track with more difficult grades.
Features include: exposed traverses, wide bermed quad tracks, switch backs, stream crossings and beautiful scenery.
Highlights include the Montusi Waterfall Cave and breathtaking views of the Amphitheater.
Rating | More Difficult |
Distance | 25km |
Elevation Gain | 465m |
Marking Colour | Blue |
Grotto Trail

Groomed single track with most difficult grades. Features include: Long steep climbs, exposed traverses, long narrow bridges, sheer sand stone rock features, elevated fast peddling plateaus, long flowing downhill’s with big berms.
Rating | Most Difficult |
Distance | 22km |
Elevation Gain | 480m |
Marking Colour | Red |
Nook Road Trail

Varied terrain with most difficult grades– groomed single track, concrete strips, Jeep track
Features include PROPER climbing (7kms in one shot), long downhills and beautiful views. Highlights include spectacular sand stone cliffs and a 5km Enduro descent of the Nook Road.
Rating | Most Difficult |
Distance | 36km |
Elevation Gain | 950m |
Marking Colour | Black |
Berghouse Trail

Groomed single track with most difficult grades.
Features include: separate tracks up the east end of the valley with long steep climbs, exposed traverses, multiple switch backs, long technical downhill’s, long vistas of the Amphitheater.
There is a good chance of seeing zebra, Blesbuck and Eland.
Rating | Most Difficult |
Distance | 40km |
Elevation Gain | 950m |
Marking Colour | Purple |
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